
Sarah Fitzpatrick, PhD

Sarah Fitzpatrick, PhDContact Information

Email: sfitz@msu.edu
Office: (269) 671-2264
Cell: (607) 227-5123
Twitter: @SarahFitz

Physical location
W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
Stack Building 238 (office)
Academic Building 222 (dry lab)
Stack Building 243 (molecular lab)
3700 E. Gull Lake Dr.
Hickory Corners, MI 49060

Research Interests

Sarah is interested in the ecology, evolution, and conservation of natural populations. She integrates field and molecular approaches to study evolutionary dynamics and demography of small populations. Sarah teaches IBIO357 Global Change Biology and is the coordinator of the KBS Molecular Ecology and Genomics Lab

Favorite ecosystems: neotropical freshwaters, swamps, Florida scrub

Lab Publications